Gatters in Canada

There are not very many Gatters living in Canada. About 10 families. Most descent from George Gatter (1890-1978) of Birkenhead, England and his wife Edith Mary Warder (1888-1963) of Bridgenorth, Warfield, England.

Some Canadia Gatters come however from the Neusatz (Novi Sad), Hungary Line (see also there).


Gatters in Australia

Most Gatter in Australia seem to be descendants of Francis Gatter (see Great Britain, Devon Line). One Gatter living in Australia is from the Bohemian Sabert, Wlachei, Hühnerwasser line.

Gatters in Southern America

There are about 10 Gatter families in Argentinia. I do not know where they are from, but most likely they are of German descent, it was not earlier that end of the 19th century that many Germans went to South America.

There has been emigration from the Lambrecht-Grevenhausen Line via Hungary to Brazil around 1910, I have however no knowledge of any present day descendents of this line (see Hungarian Gatters).

Gatters in South Africa

Around 1920 Simon Gatter (ca. 1882-1945) came from Zagare in Lithuania to South Africa. His descendants live South Africa and in Israel (see Russian Gatters).


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